Ranglers Convenience Store
2017 Dove Lease List Phone
254-386-8903 X 5 Cell 254-485-3503
Buffe, Brandon Indian Gap 644-8332
Buffe, Leonard Indian Gap 372-3244
Cathey, Ted Hamilton (281) (325)668-0261
Craig, Danny FM 2905 386-3696
Craig, Dean FM 2905 386-5058
Craig, James & Wayne FM 2905 386-2009 or 386-5580
Craig, Tommy FM 2905 386-5943
Eoff, Mike Shive 386-5195 Hanes,
Mike & Debra Lamham 386-5187
Hopper, Mark Indian Gap 372-4878
Kauitzsch, Myron Hamilton 386-3155
Limmer, Alfred Pottsville 386-5503
Maines, L.R. Indian Gap 372-3050
Melde, Darrell Aleman 386-5477
Peters, Albert Shive 386-3892
Pietzch, Alice Pottsville 372-3061
Sale, Ronnie Jonesboro 463-9000
Schoedel, Dorothy Aleman 386-5774
Schrank, Alan Aleman 386-6314
Schrank, Stephen Aleman 386-2715
Siepert, Jerry Aleman 386-6545
Whitehead, Brad Between Hamilton & Hico 784-9205
AREA CODE is 254 unless specified You should call the above to inquire about availability, hunting conditions, price, and directions. There are some places that have reported seeing more doves than the last few years. The above list is from previous years with some deletions and additions. You may find that some of the above no longer lease for dove hunting. If so, ask them to call us so they can be removed from the list. Thanks for stopping by Haile’s Ranglers. We have been assisting hunters since September 1, 1973.